Forum 2024 roundtable: Curricular Mapping for Societal Impact: A Strategic Framework for Curriculum Design
INQAAHE Forum 2024
Transforming Society: Social Reponsibility trough Quality Assurance of Tertiary Education
June 11, 2024
Sub-theme 3: Designing curricula for societal impact
Curricular Mapping for Societal Impact: A Strategic Framework for Curriculum Design
Curricular mapping stands as an important tool in modern educational landscapes, substantially serving in shaping curricula tailored for societal impact. This paper investigates the strategic utilization of curricular mapping methodologies as a means to craft educational frameworks that transcend traditional paradigms, fostering a profound societal imprint. Emphasizing the interaction of academia with the societal needs, this study explains the systematic approach of curricular mapping to envision, design, and implement curricula geared towards addressing pressing societal challenges.
Furthermore, the paper explores the iterative process of identifying, analyzing, and synthesizing key learning outcomes, content, pedagogies, and assessment strategies, culminating in a cohesive curriculum that not only imparts knowledge but also instigates transformative societal change. Moreover, this study illustrates how this methodology facilitates the cultivation of critical skills, ethical consciousness, and civic engagement among learners, empowering them to become proactive contributors to societal advancement.
Finally, this paper examines case studies and best practices across diverse educational settings, illuminating the adaptability and efficacy of curricular mapping in varying contexts. By extrapolating lessons from these instances, it advocates for the integration of curricular mapping as a strategic framework within educational institutions, envisioning curricula that serve as catalysts for positive societal transformation, and not only.
Facilitated by:
Prof. Eglantina Hysa
Eglantina Hysa, Professor, is a senior researcher of Development Economics and works as an independent researcher in Brussels. Her research is focused on development economics, social aspects, and quality in higher education institutions. She is the author of many scientific publications including book chapters and technical reports, published in leading international journals and publishing houses, including Integration of Education, Sustainability, Journal of Applied Economics, and Routledge. She is included as Bologna System expert for higher education in many EU projects. Moreover, professor Eglantina Hysa was engaged in numerous and foremost contractual positions, such as: Expert Evaluator, Horizon 2020, MSCA Program, Research Executive Agency of European Commission; Expert Evaluator, Erasmus+ Programme and/or the European Solidarity Corps, European Union Program Agency (EUPA); Bologna Expert and International Expert in many European Accreditation Agencies for Higher Education; and International Consultant, Center for Higher Education Research and Academic Development, UK.
Prof. Marius Gabriel Petrescu
Marius Gabriel Petrescu currently holds the position of PhD Professor and PhD advisor at Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti (Romania). Prof. PhD Petrescu is Director of the Doctoral School of the Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti. He is also General Secretary of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Council. His work experience derives from and includes: teaching courses and seminaries; research activities; participating in scientific conferences. Regarding research results, these are represented by publishing over 30 books and over 130 articles in journals, bulletins and proceedings of national and international conferences (including ISI listed, Q1, Q2). He was member of organizing / scientific committees of over 30 scientific events; president or member, in over 25 commissions for completing studies and, as a member, in over 60 commissions for doctoral examination or defense of doctoral theses. Prof. PhD Petrescu is Associate Editor of Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering, 2023-2024 and reviewer for prestigious journals such as Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C – Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, UK, SAGE Publications Ltd; Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Journal of Basic and Applied Research International, International Knowledge Press; Sustainability;
Prof. Mirela Panait
Mirela Panait holds the position of PhD Professor at Faculty of Economic Sciences, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti (Romania). Her work experience derives from and includes: teaching courses and seminaries; research activities; participating in scientific conferences. Regarding research results, these are represented by publishing seven books and over 100 scientific papers in the field of interest: energy transition, international finance, and sustainable development. She has published articles in leading international journals (Energy Policy, Land Use Policy, Utilities Policy, Energies, Resources Policy, etc.). On the editorial level, her activity is intense, being editor, associate editor, guest editor or reviewer for prestigious journals within Elsevier, Emerald, Wiley, IGI Global groups. She participated in over 40 international scientific conferences and she is member of scientific committee for international conferences (IBIMA; ICEBM, CIDE; FEMIB; EMCEI, ICAS etc.).
If you have any question about the event, please do not hesitate to contact INQAAHE and/or the Forum host, ARACIS.