Forum 2024 – Keynote session: Qualifying lifelong Learning: fostering opportunities for all ages
INQAAHE Forum 2024
Transforming Society: Social Reponsibility trough Quality Assurance of Tertiary Education
June 12, 2024
Keynote session
Quality lifelong learning: fostering opportunities for all ages
New approaches to transform learning, new ways to rethink teaching “in” and “out” higher education
Learning transformations ask rethinking teaching „in” and „out” higher education (curriculum design, teaching styles, multidisciplinary approach, digital integration, etc.), stimulating a reconsideration of the principles that guide all types of students’ progress and evaluation. Even if the formalising of these teaching elements, through easily operationalizable and evaluable quality standards isn’t an effortless process, it could provide a solid and trustworthy starting point, especially in the context of the comprehensive extended learning and teaching mechanisms for non-traditional students, at different stages in their personal career’s evolutions. Depending on the latest social and educational challenges and developments so far, new ways of approaching learning (transformative, pro/re-adaptive, customised, networked, inclusive, resilient, motivational, inspiring, unique, etc.) are to be identified and further explored and understood, as they would most probably reshape the teaching inside and outside higher education, speedily. What is happening with its quality mechanisms, remains an open debatable question … as well, „in” and „out” higher education.
Facilitated by:
Romita IUCU, Prof.univ.dr.
Professor Romita IUCU is the President of the Board of Trustees at the University of Bucharest and a professor of higher education at the Department of Educational Sciences. With an important experience in international cooperation in the field of education, professor Iucu is the Coordinator of UNICA EduLAB Group, the Co-Chair of the FOREU European Degree Subgroup of European Universities, and a member of the European University Association (EUA) Learning & Teaching (L&T) Steering Committee. He has been appointed as a Magna Charta Observatory Ambassador from 2022. Professor Iucu held several university-management positions (former Acting Rector of the University of Bucharest, and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs for more than 16 years), with an important role in designing, managing, and validating higher education and adult education policies at different levels. He is a former President of ENTEP (European Network on Teacher Education Policies) and was the national’s representative in the BFUG.
If you have any question about the event, please do not hesitate to contact INQAAHE and/or the Forum host, ARACIS.